The work of Joke van Loo

The first time I came in contact with the work of Joke van Loo it really appealled to me. I especially noticed her use of colours, how she included it in the whole of abstract shapes in contrast with the figurative. The brushstrokes seemed to be placed in a very instinctive way on the surface.

Aus freien Willen und mit klaren Sinnen, Stefan und Charlotte Zweig 

She gets her inspiration from magazines, films and newspapers. And as you can see, the main theme in her work are people. It isn't her intention to copy the images she used as an inspiration, she will make the images her own. As she says on her website: the images are snapshots of reality and it is the task of the viewer to construct a story.

Have a nice day I - II

This small exhibition consists of her recent work, she shows that she not only masters the technique of painting but also that of making collages. When you look on her website, you'll see that a change took place in her work. In her old work she used a darker colour palette and more figurative shapes. Throughout the years she started using more light colours and both figurative and abstract shapes.

Op goed geluk - Men still do the finishing touch

Good vibrations

Make sure to visit her website and you might even fall in love with her work. 



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